Hey guys! There are a couple of things I wanted to do before I do my recent haul purchases.
I received an award and was tagged in a post, I love tags! =)
First I would like to say THANK YOU Lisa from The Lovely Memoir for nominating me for the Sunshine Award! =)
For the award:
*Each tagged person should share 7-10 things about themselves.
(I have done this a few times but I will try to share new things)
*Choose/tag 7 people
*Go to their blogs and tell them you tagged them
(A lot of people have received these before and don't wish to do it again so I will just leave it on my page and if they see it and want to participate than that's awesome! )
*Have Fun!
- My favorite show is Roseanne.
- My second favorite show is Buffy the Vampire Slayer and have all but one of the seven seasons on dvd. (Season five oddly enough).
- I used to do ballet and tap when I was a little girl.
- The Addams Family home is my dream house.
- I hated middle school and wanted to do school from home.
- I love Memebase (as you may have guessed.)
- I get sucked into marathons of Snapped.
- I am a little intimidated by the new blogger layout.
- My favorite type of cake is River City Raspberry from Raleys. (But donuts are my main weakness)
- I'm turning 25 on May 20th.
So coming up with 7-10 things off the top of my head wasn't that easy because I was also trying to not repeat things I said previously.
7 Blogs:
Next up, I was tagged in Carmen from Clothes and Camera's 11 questions tag.
The Rules:
- Each person must post 11 things about themselves on their blog. (I just did 10 so I am going to skip this part)
- Answer the questions the tagger has set for you plus provide eleven questions for the people you have tagged to answer.
- Choose eleven people and link them in your tag. (I am just going to say this is for everyone that wants to participate in the tag-I like to change things up a bit sometimes )
- Go to their page and tell them
- No Tag Backs!
- You legitimately have to tag. ( =/ )
Carmen's questions/ My answers:
- What was your favorite series/film when you were a child? / Drop Dead Fred and Clueless I think..
- If you had one question, what would it be and whom would you ask? / LOL Idk... To Rihanna: "Can we be friends?"
- What's your favorite song right now? / Hmmm I'll go with Birthday Cake Remix. Rihanna feat. Chris Brown
- Where did you spend your best holidays? / I think this meant vacation, and I will say on a Cruise ship to Mexico and Costa Rica
- Birthday or Christmas? / I guess Christmas because I like to give as well as receive.
- A girl should have...? / The right to choose, and the right to express herself.
- For how long have you known your best friend? / About 13 years?
- How many languages do you speak? / Juuuuuuust one. *In my Angela Johnson voice*
- Do you still live with your parents? / HA! No I do not! I moved out last month!
- Where do you shop most of the time? / Forever21, dd's, thrift stores, Target
- What's the best thing about blogging? / I think so far it has been winning a giveaway from Style Recognized I just adore my Hellbounds so much and still can't believe they are mine!
My questions:
- Favorite sweet?
- Place you would like to visit the most?
- Dream job?
- Favorite musical artist?
- Style Icon?
- Last movie watched at the theater (or home if you can't remember or don't go)?
- Favorite animal?
- Best Halloween costume you have ever seen?
- Favorite smell?
- Jeans or Leggings?
- What's the best thing about blogging to you?
Please leave a comment to let me know if you participated in the tag because I would LOVE to read your answers!... Or you can answer the Q's in a comment below too! =)