Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Lita Knock-Offs

So I  have been obsessing over these Lita knock offs. I have seen so many bloggers with them and pictures of them and I absolutely love them and how they make outfits look! So I did a little research and found a site that had the knocks for much cheaper than the Jeffrey Campbell $160 version! I found them at this site, and they get sold out and come back in stock a lot so you have to find them on the right day. They also have them in a suede-like material in other colors (I kinda want them in suede and fuschia), and they also come in a leopard print that I really like but haven't seen them come back in stock with my size for those. Well these shoes have been running through my mind constantly. I was so sad when they came back in stock but then disappeared before I ahd a chance to get them. (I was trying to wait for pay day)...BUT! Lucky for me! My mom's bf Rocky was looking to get me something for watching his kitties while he was on vacation! Him and my mom were sneaky and when they were back in stock had got them for me! He gave them to me last night, I can not tell you how excited I was, I just love and adore them! And they are very comfortable.

 Here are some pictures of the real ones:

Pinned Image

They have them in a shload of colors too!

Here are some fellow (and loved) bloggers wearing the beauties!:

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And here are the ones my mom kinda wants :)


  1. That was hella nice of him! I cant wait to see a picture of YOU in them!

  2. Oh... you will have to wait, but yes it WAS very nice of him!! =)

  3. Wow that's sweet of him!! And yes, those shoes are soo gorgeous!!!! For some reason getting knock offs didn't even cross my mind. I'll have to watch that site now for my size, lol

    I can't wait to see you coordinate it!

  4. Thanks Josie! OMG they would be totally cute on you too!!!

  5. sounds like an exceptional guy. your mom sounds really lucky.

  6. LMAO ...yeah, he's pretty cool. And they are lucky to have each other.


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